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A Game of Thrones LCG - Reach of the Kraken chapter pack [expansion]

by : Fantasy Flight Games

range : A Game of Thrones card game (LCG) and expansions

A Game of Thrones LCG - Reach of the Kraken chapter pack

cards 1-20 of the A Song of the Sea series

   no longer available

[barcode 9781616615482, BGC stock id 4669]

Description of A Game of Thrones LCG - Reach of the Kraken chapter pack

Along the sacred strand of Old Wyk, longships lined the shore as far as the eye could see, their masts thrust up like spears. In the deeper waters rode prizes: cogs, carracks, and dromonds won in raid or war, too big to run ashore. From prow and stern and mast flew familiar banners.
–George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows

As the Great Houses of Westeros play their game of thrones, their battles and bids for power necessitate they maintain strong fleets of warships, lest their opponents find their shores ripe for the picking. Naval superiority is the call of the day, especially while the krakens of House Greyjoy sail the coastlines in their longships.

The Chapter Packs from A Song of the Sea introduce the new naval challenge enhancement mechanic to A Game of Thrones, and Reach of the Kraken allows players to make good use of it. No fewer than ten characters from Reach of the Kraken feature the enhancement, which allows them to join a challenge as an action…even after the challenge’s attackers and defenders have been declared! Along with a host of Fleets, Smugglers, Captains, and Ironborn, Reach of the Kraken also features three plots and a naval-themed agenda.

Contains cards 1-20 of the A Song of the Sea series.

Contents of A Game of Thrones LCG - Reach of the Kraken chapter pack

A Game of Thrones LCG core set

copyright Maddison Games Ltd. 2003-2023