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Viewpoint card game

by : 93 Made Games

Viewpoint card game

blindside your buddies!

   no longer available

players 2 - 6, ages 7+, 15 minutes designer(s) : artist(s) :
[barcode 9369999020354, BGC stock id 4102]

Description of Viewpoint card game

About the Game

Easy to learn and fun to master, Viewpoint is the perfect card game for everyone, including kids and parents, friends and family, serious gamers and one-eyed critters.

Be the first player to help Eye Guy and his friends, Eye Gal, Speye Guy and Blind Freddie, defeat the villainous Evil Eye Guy by capturing 100 View-points and conquering the View-niverse!

Each Viewpoint card has a points value and a special action. The more powerful cards are worth fewer points but can dramatically shift the balance of power between players. Some cards are so powerful that they will even allow you to see into the future or hypnotise other players.

Contents of Viewpoint card game

70 Cards, rules

copyright Maddison Games Ltd. 2003-2023